Listed by California GeneratorSeller's Other Engines
Engine Info |
Listing ID | 109853 | |
Make | Waukesha | |
Model | L5792DSIU | |
Serial No. | 325427 | |
Cylinders | 12 | |
V / Inline | V | |
Power | 746 Kw / 1000 HP | |
RPM | @ 1200 RPM | |
Price | $8500 | |
General Info |
Condition | Runner | |
Application | Industrial | |
Last Used In? | Skid Pkg. | |
Weight (kg) | 9200 | |
Cooling | Water | |
Lead Time | In Stock | |
Location Info |
Country | United States | |
State | CA |
Contact | Tom Auer |
Phone 1 | 8666436738 |
Phone 2 | |
Cell Phone | 5107602928 |
Fax | | | |
Website | |
Address | 7723, Oakport Street, Oakland, 94621-2026 |
Country | United States |
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